Staffing Solutions



Provide quality, trained staff to quickly cover shifts for other organisations within the health, disability, aged care and youth sectors. QuestCare was the biggest provider of agency staff to Disability ACT used to cover shifts working with the clients in Disability ACT houses. We continue to provide this service to the agencies who now manage these houses and have expanded our talent pool to provide highly skilled staff to cover gaps in other industries.

If you are having trouble finding the staff, you need – contact us. Our Scheduling team will find the quickest way to cover your shifts and provide advice about how to create a long-term relationship for your organisation’s staffing solutions.

When you need staff complete this form and a member of our scheduling team will be in contact to confirm services. QuestCare can provide urgent or planned staffing solutions to meet your needs.

If you would like a friendly chat to discuss your organisation’s needs, please contact QuestCare Scheduling Team on 02 6253 4314 (business hours).

If your matter is urgent or for all after hours staffing solutions, please contact our After Hours Team on 0404 017 532.

Contact us: [email protected]

    Must be completed and sent to Questcare to request a staff/shift booking in order to improve the information we require to care for your clients and improve the billing and payment processes

    Sender Information

    Request made by



    Participant Information

    Surname/Family Name

    First Name

    Preferred Name

    Phone (home)

    Phone (mob)


    Street Address



    Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

    Gender MaleFemaleOther

    Emergency contacts

    Phone Number

    Relation to Client

    Organisations oncall number


    Preferred Language

    Organisation Information

    Organisation Name


    Facility Type Hospital, Aged Care, Group House, etc.)

    Organisation Phone

    Mobile/AH Number


    Shift Information

    Shift Information (please include time, date and address)

    Considerations to be made/alerts (allergies, dislikes of clients eg does the client have trouble getting in and out of cars)

    Staff Required

    What is the shift

    Staff Gender Preference MaleFemaleNeither

    Shift Frequency On goingOne off

    Shift Date Required

    Start Time

    Finish Time

    Can shift extend if needed YesNo

    Invoicing Detials

    Organisations oncall number

    Organisations Email

    Travel approvedYesNo

    Invoice travel to

    Limit of Kilometres per shift

    Tick box to authorise above on behalf of organisation

    This will be sent auto to accounts and disability support

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