Functional Behaviour Assessments
Our positive behaviour support practitioners can assist in assessing why you behave the way you do, by reviewing your physical and social environments and talking with those people who assist in caring for you. Undertaking this assessment, our practitioners will find out information about the context of the behaviours of concern and the strategies and skills that may be required to replace those behaviours.
Positive Behaviour Support Plans
Depending on your need, our positive behaviour support practitioners, following the assessment, will develop and behaviour support plan which the team of people who support you will follow. The plan summarises the supports you and your care team may need to managing behaviours of concern.
Reducing Restrictive Practices
One of our primary goals is to assist individuals and those that support them with identifying and reducing the use of restrictive practices. We will support you to understand what the restrictive practices are and work wit you and your care team to reduce these practices.
Training, Monitoring and Support
We will train your family and care team so they can support you to manage your behaviorrs of concern. The purpose of this is to ensure everyone can implement the strategies of your plan efficiently and effectively.
Our website will be updated once services commence, and all referral information will be added here.