QuestCare Therapeutic Support Services


Occupational Therapy

What are your goals? They can be as simple as becoming more independent with showering and dressing, or as momentous as planning to live on your own.

As Occupational Therapists, our goal is helping you achieve yours. We support you in finding ways to enhance your day to day life and social connectivity. 

We can help you make changes to your home so you can move around with greater ease and prescribe assistive technology or devices. 

We can offer support if you are diagnosed with conditions such as mental illness or Autism Spectrum Disorder to help you meaningfully engage with activities that matter to you the most.

Speech Pathology

Speech Pathologists help adults and children with difficulties or impairments in speech (articulation of sounds), receptive language (understanding language), expressive language (using language), social communication, voice, fluency (stuttering), literacy and swallowing.

We tailor therapy and support services to participants and their families, friends and carers, and prescribe Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) where necessary.

Our Speech Pathology services may benefit you if you have been diagnosed with a neurological condition, an intellectual or developmental delay or hearing impairment.

Dietician Services

QuestCare Dietitians can support people with disability in a range of areas. Some of the areas include:

  • Mealtime Management Plans
  • Supporting diets for people who experience difficulties with chewing and swallowing
  • Fussy eating or resistant/picky eating
  • Stressful mealtimes and other mealtime challenges such as food refusal, not coming to the table, eating with distractions or avoidance to eat socially
  • Bowel issues (e.g. constipation, diarrhoea, coeliac disease, limited fluid/fibre intake)
  • Pressure injuries (e.g. poor wound healing, prevention of pressure areas)
  • Limited range of foods eaten which can lead to nutritional deficiencies and poor social or participation outcomes
  • Excessive weight gain which impacts physical or social function
  • Supporting optimal growth and development
  • Non-oral feeding (tube feeding) and tube weaning

Our website will be updated once services commence, and all referral information will be added here.